On 11/2/21 4:05 PM, Csaba Láng wrote:
Dear list, I am trying to compile Gem on Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS witrh pylon, but make fails with gmwerlin problem. I have found a 2 year old thread here https://lists.puredata.info/pipermail/pd-list/2019-02/124601.html which says that it is almost impossible to make gmerlin work due to bad API and lack of updates. latest is from 2012. Is gmerlin needed? Can i ignore it and compile gem without gmerlin?
gmerlin is not needed. it is so optional, that it is not even built into the Gem binary. instead, the entire gmerlin bindings live in the gem_filmGMERLIN.so file. remove this file, and Gem no longer will use gmerlin at all.
if you are using the Debian package of Gem, you can run:
sudo apt remove gem-plugin-gmerlin
gfdmsf IOhannes