Pd runs great on the eeePc. Particularly if you are doing sample based things; the cpu is not fast enough to do much synthesis or other expensive stuff at once but I did get some phase vocoding going on it with very few hiccups. As always, rt kernel helps a lot and with jack running, the built in audio is pretty decent.
peas, km
On Mon, Mar 31, 2008 at 12:49 PM, Georg Holzmann grh@mur.at wrote:
I will also get one next week (they are sold out here ATM) and will definitely make some pd experiments on it ... ;)
alberto.zin@poste.it schrieb:
Hi, nice to hear that PD runs on Eeepc! Did you use apt-get to install it?
Yes you can use the debian repositories ... lots of information is here: http://wiki.eeeuser.com/
LG Georg
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