What do "canvas coordinates" have to do with "menus and dialogs"? Also, for a potential "canvas zoom" keep in mind that [canvas scale] doesn't affect text. Orm: it's been awhile, but I think "ttk" widgets are the ones that are "themable" using Tk's half-baked, barely-documented theming engine. The [tk scaling] documentation implies that it should affect the scaling of all physical units. It shouldn't affect the canvas font sizes because those are specified as pixel sizes. (I say "shouldn't" because there's a bug when you print out a tk canvas to postscript, so the tk scaling factor actually affects that ps output.) As far as actual support for HiDPI, I'm going to rankly speculate that tk has none. -Jonathan
On Friday, April 8, 2016 11:39 AM, Miller Puckette <msp@ucsd.edu> wrote:
Changing TK_SCALING almost certainly won't help as all "canvas" coordinates are in pixels I believe.
Sounds like I really have to implement a "zoom" function in Pd now.
cheers Miller
On Fri, Apr 08, 2016 at 08:34:54AM +0200, Orm Finnendahl wrote:
Am Freitag, den 08. April 2016 um 02:45:04 Uhr (+0000) schrieb Jonathan Wilkes:
Anyhow, you might try tweaking value for that command-- or removing it altogether. (grep "tk scaling" in the tcl folder to find it.) That's the only tk command I know of that could affect default widget sizing.
the only occurence I could find (in pd-gui.tcl) is commented out in my pd version (0.46-6) with some comment that Tk scaling isn't used. I had already tried changing the value (including "package require Tcl 8.5" without understanding what "replace Tk widgets with Ttk widgets on 8.5" means) but both didn't seem to have any effect whatsoever.
-- Orm
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