Burt wrote:
So, what solutions do I have for my problem? If I cannot put more than ten zexy externals to load at startup, do I need to just put zexy.pd_darwin back into my extras folder and load it? While creating objects neamed [Gem] or [pmpd] might work, [zexy] won't do anything until I have zexy.pd_darwin in my extras folder. This leads me to my last question: libraries and externals (like [z~]) can be loaded through the Startup script, while only libraries can be loaded with a [library] object being placed in a patch, right?
no it is far simpler. if a library is compiled as single externals (like zexy in the pd-extended) you have a dll (in your case .pd_darwin) for each object. the first time you create a [z~] object, the z~.pd_linux will get loaded and that's it. you don't have to bother about loading zexy (as a whole lib, which doesn't exist in the extended-build) at all, as long as the .pd_darwin files you need are in a searched place (e.g. extra/). that's the idea of splitting a library up into single externals.
I appreciate having all the zexy objects separated to keep the RAM usage down, but it seems to complicate things a bit. Unless anyone has a better solution, I'm just going to stick zexy.pd_darwin back in my extras folder and load that.
you must be _very_ low of RAM is this is a concern to you. the zexy.pd_linux is about 148k big, the zexy.pd_darwin might be bigger, but i doubt if it is larger than 300k.
in theory it should be totally transparent, so i don't understand your problem at all. (i understand that you might be bothered by the error pd throws, when it fails to load zexy.pd_darwin; but have you tried to create [z~]?).
the only problem that might arise is, if you have a nameclash (namely cyclone might be a problem); you only have to make sure the nameclashing objects you want from zexy are loaded before any other library; this you can do via the startup-flags (if you want to load the offending lib via startup flags)
additionally you could try to specify more than 10 libraries at startup by using this notation: "cyclone:Gem:toxy" in 1 single slot. (i haven't tested whether this works, but i don't see a reason why it shouldn't)
mfg.adr. IOhannes