Hallo, andy graybeal hat gesagt: // andy graybeal wrote:
i'm wondering if it is possible to have multiply colored arrays inside of one table. i recently got the hang of having multiple arrays in one table, and i'm wondering if i can have each array with seperate colors.
i would like to have for instance, an audio sample inside the table, and have it be blue, then i could have another array overtop of that and have that array be orange, and it would conceivably represent an envelope that could control anything,say amplitude, and then another array on top of that would represent my panning envelope..and on and on.. until i had so many colors (arrays that represented envelopes) that i ended up being confused ;)
Hhm, I don't think, you can do colored arrays. Yet, that is, because arrays are currently in the process of being unified with data structures, and data structures can be very colorful and also be used to display soundfiles, as attached patch shows. The patch is very slow, though, that's why I used "mousfilter" from Cyclone in it to di redraws only on mousup
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
_ __latest track: "scans" _ http://footils.org/cms/show/41