Hallo, chun lee hat gesagt: // chun lee wrote:
Thanks for your replay
I tried Rpm -q --provides tcl Rpm -q --provides tk
And I got
libtcl8.4.so tcl = 8.4.5-7
libtk8.4.so tk = 8.4.5-8
So how would I get Pd to use what I have instead of asking me for libtcl8.3.so and libtk.8.3.so?
You either need to recompile Pd (you need the devel packages only for compiling, sorry, that I messed this up) or install another pd-package (like the one from PlanetCCRMA) or install the tcl/tk8.3 rpm packages. You can install 8.4 and 8.3 in parallel (at least on Debian, but I don't see a reason why it shouldn't work on FC2 as well)
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__