----- Original Message -----
From: Charles Goyard cg@fsck.fr To: "pd-list@iem.at" pd-list@iem.at Cc: Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2013 4:54 PM Subject: [PD] How to change the Z-order of gui elements ?
Hi list,
When I do GOP stuff, I like putting a colored canvas behind the controls.
However, gui elements created before the canvas appear under the canvas. I found out I can edit the patch file with a text editor and change the order of lines. But it's not very practical and a bit error prone.
Is there another way to change the Z-order of guis in vanilla and extended ?
Cut the object, then paste it to put it in front.
Or in Pd-l2ork: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=af9KiJfSp68
-- Charlot
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