Le 12/09/2012 11:09, Pierre Massat a écrit :
I did some research on the web and found that some people use samba for the same purpose (reach a computer in the local network by its hostname). What are the differences between avahi and samba ? Do they both require a client on the other end ?
On the other end, if you already run a webserver, you coudl add a bind9 server as a secondary domain name server. It runs fine with Apache or nginx running a web interface : http://www.afn.org/~afn23397/ or Webmin (in the Debian rep but fat) See http://www.debianadmin.com/bind-dns-server-web-interfacefrontend-or-gui-tool...
In that case, you wouldn't need anithung else than DHCP clients.
2012/9/11 Pierre Massat <pimassat@gmail.com mailto:pimassat@gmail.com>
zeronconf looks pretty close indeed to what I was looking for... I'll give it a try tonight and will report the results shortly! Cheers, Pierre. 2012/9/11 Charles Goyard <cg@fsck.fr <mailto:cg@fsck.fr>> Hi, let me advocate zeronconf vs. static IP a little more. Charles Goyard wrote: > Keep dhcp on to satisfy the network topology, and try zeroconf. Also, it can perfectly be that mdns is enabled by default on Raspian. You can check by issuing a "ping yourpihostname.local" from the raspi. I find the static IP way a lot more time consuming and error prone. The IP you choose can be free at the moment you set it, but if a new computer pops up in the network, you can have a conflict. Example: on my network my printer has a reserved IP in the DHCP configuration. If you happen to pick this apparently available IP and I turn the printer on, that's a big mess, because you have not respected the network administrator's work :). Zeroconf has been made for that: you know nothing about the network and still you're reachable by name. Easy, fast, default on Ubuntu and Apples. Search "avahi" in this page: http://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/38/prepare-for-ssh-without-a-screen To have zeroconf installed in windows: http://support.apple.com/kb/DL999 (yes, it's supposed to be about printers but it works for the whole system) Cheers, -- Charles _______________________________________________ Pd-list@iem.at <mailto:Pd-list@iem.at> mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management -> http://lists.puredata.info/listinfo/pd-list
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