ah thanks. now i get all my 16 channels in and out. but. simply starting up pd with 16 i/o channels causes the system-process (see taskmanager in w2k) to take 40% cpu load. pd stays at around 2%.
is that why i should use the asio drivers? i'd love to if they'D allow me to use more than 2 channels. is anybody using more than 2channels via asio on w2k?
bittedanke. joreg.
MP> Hi all,
MP> Test 17 is available in the usual,
MP> http://crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/software.html
MP> several improvements:
MP> I incorporated Thomas Musil's newest GUI objects (thanks Thomas!) MP> readsf~/writesf~ work in NT (thanks to Karl and Olaf...) MP> Support for reading Wave files with the new 18-byte (?) headers MP> Fixed an oddity noticed by Krzysztof MP> made -maxsize imply -resize
MP> ... still a dozen bugs to fix and lots of documentation to come...
MP> cheers MP> Miller