On Mon, 12 Dec 2005 23:40:04 +0000 c yaqtil@gmail.com wrote:
Is anyone aware of an alternative GUI for PD's array object?
i found the PD array object useless for editing as well, but the [widget] external coupled with Tk's BLT extension makes cake out of something better: http://whats-your.name/pd/gui/lg.gif . the widget definition is at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/pure-data/extensions/gui/ix... and theres another one similar to EnvGen at http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/*checkout*/pure-data/externals/miXed/t...
I like the look of these, but I can't most of the widgets to work. I got the miXed externs and extensions from CVS yesterday, and I *think* I've got the necessary Tk extensions, but I mostly get errors. For example, with lg, I get:
tcl error: in ::toxy::longvishook: wrong # args: should be "Blt_ZoomStack graph"
and with filter I get:
tcl error: in ::toxy::longvishook: wrong # coordinates: expected at least 4, got 2
That's just with the demo patches.
Any ideas?