I don't know if there is already something similar before. Here two screenshots from a patch 'rectangle-FR-help.pd' (for help in french about [rectangle] from GEM) and its 'automatic' equivalent in PHP/HTML. Do you think it is interresting to keep an online documentation always update from the '*-help.pd' file ? (it works also in subpatch : the blue line 'pourvoir' is the help in the subpatch [pd pourvoir]). It is possible to add more informations on the HTML/PHP (download the *-help.pd for example, or links to patchs using this object, etc.). I keep in mind a Mathieu's remark I think it is true/good : "it is better and more simple to make the help directly in the help-patch" (Mathieu, I hope it is a good translation ! ;). Sorry for the size of the .png. ++