hey thats great patrice thanks!
also... nice installation... love the water/air as code idea.
cheers m
On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 8:24 AM, Jack jack@rybn.org wrote:
It is a little bit [OT], but here is an installation I co-produced with Cécile Babiole. It is a chat between two people based on a network working with water (coding en decoding (extended) Morse) : http://babiole.net/spip.php?article101 It is now exhibited in Espace Gantner in Bourogne (East in France) :
http://www.espacemultimediagantner.cg90.net/exposition/anarchronisme-machine... ++
Le 15/06/2016 20:03, patrice colet a écrit :
Le 15/06/2016 à 19:57, Joel Matthys a écrit :
Is [list-compare] from an external library? It's not in vanilla.
I forgot to put this in a subpatch, sorry for that, it's in [list-abs]
On 06/15/2016 12:25 PM, patrice colet wrote:
I've made such patch to decode termites hammering into morse.
It uses the process described by andy, and datastructure for storing characters, it could also now be done with [text]
I've made a version where [env] testes if there is sound amplitude or not,
and compare with templates stored into datastructure.
Attached is that version that should work with mjlib/morse and latest pd-vanilla.
Le 15/06/2016 à 15:34, Andy Farnell a écrit :
Yes did that once, but I lost it years ago (the patch I mean)
IIRC its not that hard.
Use a [timer] and onset/tone detector, and an array that looks up the next state. You need a way to navigate a tree - a state machine with 26 terminal nodes (36 if you want numbers) and there are four symbols to transition states, dot, dah, short space and long gap (between letters)
The array is a 4-tree collapsed into a "Turing tape" so you use the symbol to select the offset (jump) to the next state (table index) based on the last symbol. A long gap always resets the index to 0.
cheers, andy
On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 11:41:20AM -0400, me.grimm wrote:
Has anyone made a patch/abstraction to "decode" or translate morse
code to
text? I see text->morse but not the other way around....
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