On 1/29/07, Frank Barknecht fbar@footils.org wrote:
Hallo, Chuckk Hubbard hat gesagt: // Chuckk Hubbard wrote:
I just remembered, that Cook is a colleage of Julius O. Smith III and recommends JOS for people who want to dig deeper into the math. And the good thing is: JOS has a huge amount of texts online.
One about biquads is here: http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/filters/BiQuad_Section.html then follow the links.
I played around a bit with the [biquad~] today and came up with attached patch, which is similar to CH's patch. It's attached.
This is awesome, thanks for sharing it. I was wondering if people using biquads just came up with the numbers off the top of their heads, I guess not. This is really educational. I came across the JOS text before, too, but was quickly overwhelmed. I hope to make my way through the whole manuscript.