Luke Iannini wrote:
On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Luke Iannini wrote:
On Wed, Aug 27, 2008 at 5:07 PM, wrote:
Quoting Simon Kilshaw
Hey, I got myself a pair of anaglyph glasses (like you get at the cinema)- and managed to play around quite successfully with the stereo patch in gem examples (pd extended- Have to be green and red glasses (not the blue and red i think).
i think olson wants to do the opposite: take a stereo-image of the real-world (with two cameras) and try to somehow get a "model" of this real-world into softworld; rather than synthesizing a pseudo-3d visual of a virtual world.
simon: you are right, color-separated anaglyph images are currently done in red/green, and if you want to change that you would have to recompile Gem.
Hi IOhannes, any tips on where to change this? I can only find red/blue glasses here in town (maybe I could add a 4th mode for red/blue rather than red/green rather than replacing it so everyone can be happy?)
O, just saw the "stereoSep" etc. messages, probably better to do it that way, like stereoColor 0/1 for redgreen/redblue or something
even cooler would be a way to specify the colormask via messages, so people can use any other combination they come across.
anyhow, the relevant code is in Base/GemMan.cpp:714-715 where you can shose which colormask to apply for the 2 views (0=red, 1=green, 2=blue).
however, on the (not so) long run this should be moved to abstractions
fgmadsr IOhannes