On Wed, Oct 05, 2005 at 02:29:54PM -0700, Phillip Stearns wrote:
Hello Everyone
OK this might seem strange but the help files for OSC don't help. I'm running windows XP (yeah cause that's what I'm stuck with). Can anyone tell me what messages/commands/arguments/etc can be sent to each of the different OSC objects:
for that, youd need a Class Browser, but the docs should cover most methods..see below
OSC dumpOSC sendOSC OSCroute
Also, is this the complete set of OSC objects? If not, what other objects exist and what do they do? How do you use them?
I'm trying to write a patch that talks through an OscGroupClient to a group server. So far I've been able to connect to the server from my command line but within PD, I have no idea how to send to the server. Are there any clear resources on any of this?
you should have a set of help patches with the OSC externals, theyre also here: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/pure-data/externals/OSCx/doc/ ..
to connect, i think you just create a sendOSC and send it a 'connect' message, or something.. you need to use seperate send and dump objects on seperate ports to establish 2 way comm, i think :/ if this is unsuitable you could probably port liblo to PD using flext..
Thanks In Advance, Phil
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