On 2013-06-26 12:29, batinste wrote:
On 26/06/2013 11:31, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote: On 2013-06-26 11:16, batinste wrote:
I guess that asking Ardour's main dev (Paul Davis, also one of jackd's devs) about the expected behaviour of a jack app would be a good idea.
i'd rather ask the entire jack-dev crew.
Eventually, but Paul's take on a professionnal jack app is interesting.
while paul has written the original jack server, he is no longer the main authore of jackd2.
I was mentioning his name as someone who develops a jack app as well as someone who knows what's under jackd's hood.
sure. the best bet is porbably to just ask on linux-audio-dev, where paul is a frequent poster and loads of other people who use jack on a semi to fully professional level.
~$ cat .pdextended | grep flags flags: ~$ cat /etc/pd-extended/default.pdextended | grep flags flags:
because the audio API is not selected via flags. $ grep audioapi ~/.pdextended /etc/pd-extended/default.pdextended
what i did forget in my post is: yes, i would like to have an "-audio auto" switch, that will try to get *any* audio backend (e.g. jack, alsa, oss, dummy; in that order)
i even think that this should be the default (e.g. when you start Pd with no arguments and uninitialized settings).
not agree. What if i don't want to make sound with Pd ?
currently you do this by running "pd -noaudio". (i would prefer something like "-audio dummy" or "-audio none")
while it makes perfect sense for Pd to run without audio, i still think that it is a *very* sane default to enable audio by default, and only disable it on demand.
And, worst, what
if i want to ? Especially on linux, where the flash/alsa/pulseaudio is a mess... I just tried : launch pd-extended -alsa, open a youtube vid : the vid plays for 4 sec, then stops. Open a youtube vid, then launch pd-extended -alsa : the vid plays, pd-ext is unusable and unresponsive when i try to create and patch.
i never experienced something like this. it works fine here (pd-vanilla): of course i don't get sound if some other process blocks it, but everything else works great.
I want the choice. ("use an other OS/distro" is not a valid criticism ;) )
gfmasd IOhannes