On 2020-06-09 17:34, Christof Ressi wrote:
Just to be clear: we're talking about opening a patch file that does not have the .pd extension, e.g. "mypatch.txt" or simply "mypatch". This certainly works (at least here on Windows.)
yes, sure. that's what i wrote in my other mail.
but what's the point of this discussion? how is being able to open a file with an arbitrary name (including arbitrary extensions) related to passing args to Pd?
i think the much more relevant question in the context of the collapsed filename+args opening ("pd -open 'foo.pd: 12'") is, whether we can load patches with spaces in them. and the answer is of course: yes we can.
so what do i get in this case?:
$ ls -1
'foo 42'
'foo.pd: 12'
$ pd -open "foo.pd: 12"
while it may seem to be super-elegant to cram as much info into the shortest possible cmdline, it seems that all ideas just fail the "foolproof test". the only character that is forbidden on all systems is "/". we probably don't want to use *that* tough.
so maybe we should concentrate on other ideas to pass arguments per patch.
gfmards IOhannes