I think this would be very useful. It should be as easy to set up as
possible, some kind of minimal setup based on HTTP like basic apt-get
repositories. Eclipse's repository format is worth checking out.
I think we should build it in Pd for maximum portability and
maintainability. Pd programmers will always be able to write in Pd.
But that's not always the case for C or other programming languages.
On Mar 11, 2007, at 10:28 PM, Alexandre Quessy wrote:
Sure, But such a system should be as portable as Pd. Such a system should be in C, I guess, for maximum portability.
Like APT, I find the pear package system very nice too. It would be very easy to adapt, but it is in PHP. It uses XML to store informations about the files hierarchy.
Marc Lavallée told me about a simple package system that would be easy to adapt, but I forgot its name. Marc ?
Such a topic might fit better in the pd-dev list.
2007/3/11, adam armfield adamairmailed@yahoo.com:
following on from the ongoing debate about bundles for patches with many abstractions, I had the idea for an apt-get style system, where someone who wants a patch can enter a command & get all necessary abstractions at the same time...
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-- Alexandre Quessy http://alexandre.quessy.net
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