Scott I think chris was trying to give you friendly advice as i did about .RPMs and GEM. Gem is in my opinion extremely difficult to compile compared to other programs that are open source becuase IMHO the number of libraries involved and the amount of devlopment being done on/with it.
Have you tried the .rpm files as i suggested from CCRMA?
On Friday, August 15, 2003, at 03:11 PM, J. Scott Hildebrand wrote:
a) don't complain to me about not reading stuff, because i do read all the instructions.
b) if you want to help me, thanks!
i seriously do not know what's going on when i try to make gem. it can't make pix_filmLinux.o and then quits. i'd really like to get gem working on linux :)
also can somebody please explain to me why a .lib isn't working in windows? how do i load multiple libraries, for instance when i'm loading gem as well as some others? thanks,
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