For this release, there has been a lot of work in making the GUI and
user experience much more fluid and easy. There is a new visual look
that was designed to make patches more readable. Additionally, lots
of things have been tweaked to make Pd behave more like a normal app.
There has already been a lot of testing on these builds, so it is
getting quite close to a final version. (Debian/PowerPC is missing
now but will come later)
Here is a partial changelog:
next visual appearance designed for readability
default locations for user-installed externals, helpfiles, etc. GNU/Linux: /usr/local/lib/pd-externals and ~/pd-externals Mac OS X: /Library/Pd and ~/Library/Pd Windows: %ProgramFiles%/Common Files/Pd and %UserProfile%/
Application Data/Pd
lots of standard key bindings added: Enter/Return for OK Escape for Cancel Ctrl/Cmd-W closes all windows on Mac OS X, Cmd-` cycles thru open windows on Mac OS X, Cmd-m minimizes windows Ctrl/Cmd-R raises/lowers Pd window Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-R shrinks/grows Pd window Ctrl/Cmd-Shift-L clears Pd window's text console Ctrl/Cmd-B opens the Help Browser
you can now use "~" in all paths to mean home folder, and on
Windows you can use environment variables, lie %UserProfile% in paths
all platforms
fixed Cut/Copy/Paste for the Pd window's console
[declare] and [import] now sorted out for loading (but much work
needs to be done before there namespace support is complete)
"File -> Save As" defaults to the Home folder (~/) on Mac OSX
new patches default to the folder last saved in
included pgp_opengl aka 3dp on GNU/Linux and Mac OS X
'hardware' and 'deprecated' removed from libraries loaded by default
On Debian/Ubuntu, the packages now install into /usr rather than /
File menu.
check before reporting bugs
Escape, Enter, and Ctrl/Cmd-W don't close the Path and Startup
pdp_opengl is alpha and will definitely crash Pd
loading pdp_opengl will crash Pd if X11 is not open before trying
to load it
I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and
during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man
for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. - General
Smedley Butler
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