Ingo Scherzinger wrote:
I agree with pasting to the same window the cursor position would be the best solution. But please leave it the way it is for different windows. I always copy objects that have been changed to almost identical windows and they are right in the spot where they belong. Changing this behaviour would be very annoying if you're doing things like this.
i think that even when copying to different windows, sticking to the mouse-cursor has its merits. e.g. quite often students are having problems, because they have copied a patch twice (or more) to the same ("other") window. since there is no visual clue that there are multiple (identical) objects overlapping, patches start to behave weird...
this problem could of course also be solved by adding visual clues when objects are overlapping...
nevertheless: another idea (which i think has been mentioned here in previous threads) is to: keep the behaviour as it is now, but as soon as the mouse is moved, stick the copied objects to the mouse pointer (i'd suggest to align the upper-left corner of the bounding box of the copied content, rather than sticking with coordinates relative to the original origin). anything else (mouseclick, space-key,...) will place the obects where they currently are.
i haven't thought about hidden implications though.
fgmasdr IOhannes