Hi alex
I wish I could read Spanish, too. What really helped for me was
Frank's tut. It's a fantastic explanation:
http://puredata.info/community/projects/convention04/lectures/tk- barknecht/
Also, Frank's "pipeseq" data structure sequencer was a good resource
for me - not sure where that's found, but I'm sure it'll show up in
an archive search.
Hope this helps.
cheers dafydd
On 25-Nov-05, at 6:47 PM, alexandre matheson wrote:
I was feeling bad about not checking the archive first so I did, I
only found a tutorial in spanish unfortunately. I did run into H-C Steiners Solitude score and listened to the mp3,
very very nice stuff.alex
On Vendredi, novembre 25, 2005, at 06:35 pm, alexandre matheson
Is there a tutorial on using data structures? I have read some
stuff on it but it all goes W A Y over my head. I need something
that explains it very slowly and step by step. I plan to implement
them into a score similar to what is shown here http://www- crca.ucsd.edu/~msp/Publications/icmc02.dir/. The help files for
[struct], [template], [plot], etc. confused me as well.My apologies if this topic has already been covered. I did not
check the archive, sorry.alex
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