Zitat von Patco megalegoland@yahoo.fr:
zmoelnig@iem.at a écrit :
how do you make links on ntfs/fat32 ?
I select the dll with mouse's right click and select create a shortcut to a specified folder (it's almost like with KDE)
are you sure this works?
afaik, w32 "shortcuts" are not "links" (as in unix) but ("text") files which hold the name of the file they are "referencing" too. btw, these files have the extension .lnk
the application has to be aware of the meaning of such files and evaluate them accordingly (w32 explorer naturally has this built in, but i doubt whether pd could use it "out of the box")
so w32 "links" are one of the biggest fakes in fs history. i hope they have a patent on it.
otoh, if it works: fine (they have finally have managed to mount harddisks into an existing filesystem (whoa) and not as "X:"; probably they have implemented links too)
and if it does work: put all your externals into one directory (with subdirectories) and just link this directory to the various versions of pd.
fmga.d IOhannes