Hi Vincent, i'm not sure why the "dis" or "del" messages should still be "crashy" but i'm thankful for any patches that show strange behavior. As long as you link flext statically there should not be a version mismatch problem.
best greetings, Thomas
----- Original Message ----- From: "vincent" vincent.rioux@no-log.org To: "Thomas Grill" gr@grrrr.org Cc: "pd-list" pd-list@iem.at Sent: Tuesday, December 21, 2004 1:27 PM Subject: [PD] dyn~ and disconnections
Dear Thomas,
I read somewhere (probably on one of your history file) that the "dis" or "del" dyn~ commands are still "crashy". In fact they don't crash pd but still i encounter problems with disconnections, I generally get things such as: invalid command name ".x82105c0.c"
Anyhow, i kind of manage to disconnect objects created with dyn~ but I must use a somewhat cumbersome method i.e. delete one object and reconnect it "manually".
Is it something that has raised your attention recently? Are you aware of any tricks that might hepl bypassing these
all the best, vincent
ps: i run pd-0.37devel2 on ubuntu i also use some kind of strange mix of flext_latest_cvs and 4.5 as my patches heavily rely on readanysf (which unfortunately does not support versions superior to 4.5). I first compiled dyn~ and py with flext_latest_cvs, then readanysf with flext 4.5... this might be the problem???