On Mon, 2007-11-05 at 16:12 +0100, Nicolas Montgermont wrote:
Hans-Christoph Steiner a écrit :
The file "theme_from_commandline" would just need to specify variables in tcl-syntax:
set theme_bgcolor grey set theme_bwidth 2 ...
One ideal feature would be to make a distinction between normal objects and subpatch / abstraction, for example with a bolder font or heavier borderline. I'm sure this is more difficult, but as a subpatch or an abstraction is in itself more important than its text, it should be really useful... Is this conceivable?
isn't it the idea of the abstraction, that they behave as any other object? if so, why do they need a distinction from other objects?
yo, but i think, that some additional info could be useful in general. what about another entry, when right-clicking an object/abstraction, that shows, where the abs/objects is coming from?
right-click on [dirac~] would show:
zexy.pd_linux (in pd-vanilla)
zexy/dirac~.pd_linux (in pd-extended)
dirac~.pd_linux (if dirac~.pd is directly in <...>/extra)
is this possible at all?
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