why should I need a knob in enviroments without limitations of confiend spaces like lets say a hardware-mixing-desk. Beside it is not really convienent to use it with a mouse.
Am 06.05.2008 um 20:23 schrieb Hans-Christoph Steiner:
Pd definitely needs text, text is a great, flexible symbol system for representing a massive array of words. But I also think that some iconic objects would be nice, like jMax's trigger or Max/MSP's gate.
there is another vital thing missing in the core: a knob. http://footils.org/cms/show/20
we've got button (=bang), switch (=toggle), radio-button and slider as representations of real life input methods on a synth, mixer or whatever electronic instrument. there is no reason why exactly the knob should be left out.
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