problem solved, no bugs (neither in jack nor pd) just
/me should do a mount -t clue /dev/rtfm /mnt/brain
I read:
I'm currently running jack version 0.51.0.
I tried with 0.44, 0.50 and 0.61 the problems go away as soon as I used the right cmd line for my card the problems went away, I use
jackstart -d alsa -d ymfpci -r 44100 -n 3 # I need the -n 3 for the ymfpci
and all works fine even with pd -jack -channels 8 (tested)
my .asoundrc looks like this:
pcm.ymfpci { type hw card 0 }
ctl.ymfpci { type hw card 0 }
pcm.usb { type hw card 2 }
ctl.usb { type hw card 2 }