i used to spend a LOT of time renaming multiple send / recieve pairs, making giant [route a b c d e f ....z] objects, etc....then connecting hundreds of patch cords by hand.
but i generally don't do that at all anymore. there are usually other ways.
for example:
*store your data in tables and use tabread to access it
*use qlist, or even better [msgfile] to access lots of data
[pack f f] | [; $1-send $2<
however: >>what do you think of a new type of object, that can act like a subpatch (or abstraction) does, and provide yet multiple inlets for controlling N instances of that subpatch? is this (already) possible to do? perhaps can be made with an external...?<<
i think it might be handy, and i think you could make an abstraction that does this for you.
have a think. good luck.