On Sat, Jul 08, 2006 at 11:30:11AM +0200, Frank Barknecht wrote:
Hallo, patco hat gesagt: // patco wrote:
Maybe the difference is that [sssad] is in need of a textfile,
[sssad] isn't in need of a textfile. It is agnostic in regard to how you want to save the state in the end. Attched patch shows, how to use it with message boxes for this.
Frank, All,
This kicks butt. So I have made a GOP abstraction like [sssad/panel] which saves to a subpatch called [pd datastore]. For folks who are feeling too sssad about saving to text files, they can now opt to save to messagebox in a subpatch instead. Check it out:
http://mccormick.cx/viewcvs/*checkout*/s-abstractions/sssad/datastore.pd http://mccormick.cx/viewcvs/*checkout*/s-abstractions/sssad/datastore-help.p...
Best regards,
PS I found the TipsAndTricks page really useful for the internal message stuff.
chris@mccormick.cx http://mccormick.cx