hmm... "grep 4 *.c" didn't seem to help when I tried it. Anyhow, I found two places that would have to change: in s_stuff.h:
and in s_audio_oss.c:
#define OSS_MAXDEV 4 /* maximum number of input or output devices */
On a somewhat related note, you'l eventually get sync errors between the devices unless you can find a way to hard-sync them. If I were trying it, I'd just phase-lock the crystals by connecting the five (or N) together in parallel. Worst that could happen is I'd have to buy 5 more interfaces :)
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 04:28:38PM +0200, Martin Schied wrote:
I'm trying to use five (or more) ultra-cheap stereo-USB-speakers together. Four of them are working when starting pd with
/usr/bin/pd -rt -oss -audiooutdev "2,3,4,5,6" -outchannels "2,2,2,2,2" multiaudiotest.pd
when looking into media, audio-settings dialog, only the first four of them are visible and also only these four are usable for output.
this is with Pd version 0.41-4extended, ubuntu-intrepid and also pd 0.42.5. I assume this is a hard coded limit which can be changed - but I don't know where...
cheers, Martin mailing list UNSUBSCRIBE and account-management ->