On 12/22/10 7:28 PM, Dietrich Pank wrote:
thank you guys for your answers!
I think I understand the basic theory. Experience is something else... e.g. line~ and metro doesn't work sample correct even in block~ size 1 vline~ doesn't work in block~ sizes <64
And even thresholds fastest response is 64, less block size doesn't increase it's quality. I'm baffled because I understood this object as gateway from audio back to event (sample count/analysis to trigger)...
I have found this to be the case as well. It seems most (maybe all, not sure) signal-to-message objects have a minimum hard limit of 64 samples. [bang~], [edge~], and [threshold~] I've noticed for sure are like this. I don't know about [vline~] since I use it to avoid having to change the block size. :-)
[metro~] is sample accurate, but it has a minimum of 1 ms. If you need to go faster than that, make a [metro] by having a [delay] retrigger itself.
Anyway. I'm too focused I'm afraid. There will be a lot other possibilities.
thank you for clarifications so far!
best Dietrich