I've been trying out pd-ext in ubuntu. As it was said, not all externals
are yet automatically compiled. One of them seems to be mtx*_~, although
zexy is there (zexy 2?). the matrix externals are in iemmatrix, so maybe
zexy isn't in version 2.0 yet.
is there a wiki-page where this information is maintained? can someone in
charge (H-C?) start one, where people (ie. me :) ) know, where to
get/update this kind of informations?
of course that pd isn't commercial and there isn't enough support to make
the docs updated as possible. but it would help a bit if the users could
know where to get updated informations. each can find it's own sollution
(most of them just compile what's missing), but then there's still someone
who has to use time writing these kind of messages, figuring out what's
wrong, etc.