hi oliver,
the embedding objects (currently, coll and funbuff) are broken in 0.37.
The fix is simply to add #include "m_pd.h" after line 20 in shared/hammer/file.c, but then the stuff has to be recompiled.
I plan to look further into 0.37 this week. Do not know yet, if I will manage to provide two separate snapshots for 0.36 and 0.37, or rather stick to 0.36 until 0.37 goes stable, and only then take the move.
If the only incompatible feature is embedding, I will probably get rid of that?
So --
wonder, if anybody out there uses the embedding thing?
please, let me know about other cyclone-related troubles in 0.37.
oliver wrote: ...
on testing the new pd version (0.37, test4) i discovered, that the coll-object from the
cyclone-library causes a pd crash when