Le 2012-02-06 à 20:31:00, Dan Wilcox a écrit :
robotcowboy is dead. Long live robotcowboy! Change is good and it's time for robotcowboy 2.0. I'm rebuilding the system in an OpenFrameworks app using libpd. Think of it as an RjDj on steroids with a visual engine running lua scripts. I put together a wearable alpha version last weekend that was demoed at arthackday in Brooklyn running on an iPad 2. As part of the documentation, I wrote up a quick overview on robotcowboy and why I'm working on refreshing it: http://robotcowboy.com/news/robotcowboy-2-0
Can we get a nonblurry picture too ?
I'm downloading all those pixels and I think I'm getting swindled on the dearth of high-frequency harmonics in the ROI (Region of Interest).
If you can't provide actual high-resolution details, try drawing a 32x32 icon of the same thing for greater efficiency.
| Mathieu BOUCHARD ----- téléphone : +1.514.383.3801 ----- Montréal, QC