hi everyone, im a beggining to work with Puredata and a TD 9 Roland v- drums. I'm using a MOTU ultralite mk3 as my in-out audio divice. I work with a MacBook Pro, 2.5 Ghz Intel core duo, 4 GB of ram.
Until now almost everything is working properly but the latency. Does anyone now how to get the 0 latency en puredata?
i've tried to reduce the sample rate to 30000 and even lower, the same
with the delay but there is still some latency.
Lower than 30000 works better but the sound quality is bad.
I tried AudioDesk (the software that comes with the MOTU) to make some
live recordings and there were no delay, no latency.
how can i get the 0 latency in puredata? Any ideas? anyone out there working with MOTU or electronic drums?
thanks !