Hallo, David F. Place hat gesagt: // David F. Place wrote:
Imagine my delight when I first enrolled in the PD list a few days ago to find that you've all resolved to give up grumpiness so as not to put off newbies like me! It gave me courage to put forward my first effort for criticism and feedback.
Ah, the effort pays off! ;)
The patch implements a tone generator for Pythagorean tuning with syntonic comma offsets. I hope it will help my renaissance flute consort to learn to play in just intonation in the style of Zarlino.
I'm currently far away from a running Pd, so I will have to take a look at your patch later, but I just wanted to mention the "tunetof" abstraction that you can find in the CVS on pure-data.sf.net in /abstractions/footils/tunetof. It is a kind of "mtof" for just and other tunings and supports tuning definitions in Scala format. Or rather, there is a Python script included that can convert Scala tunings to numerical lists that then can be used inside tunetof's internal lookup table. Some examples are already included in their converted format. (I think Zarlino scales as well). This may be interesting for you, too, because it fits rather nicely into the normal way of working with "scales" in Pd, that is, using integer numbers specifiying the positions of notes in a scale.
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org_ __goto10.org__