Quoting moritz erstens@gmx.ch:
hello list
two questions about pix_record:
i render out some movieclips with pix_record. the Gem-render is 15 frames per second, but when i play it with mplayer it says it plays 20 frames per second. I have to force mplayer to play it 15 frames per second. can i give pix_record an argument that it should only record 15 fps? or is it just an mplayer affair?
no it is a Gem bug which writes movies with a hardcoded framerate of "20". until this is fixed, you will have to convert the missinformed movie into a well-informed one manually. (since this shouldn't be a problem, fixing it is not very high on the todo list)
second question: i want to record different geos, so i have to pix_snap every frame and then go into pix_record. i think pix_snap is very cpu intensive, sometimes pd crashes. Is there another solution to record the Gemwindow that do not cost that much cpu power?
no, that's the joys of openGL-consumer cards and the AGP bus (which are optimized to generate graphics but not to read the data from the gfx-card) using a PCI-express card might help.
mfga.sdr IOhannes