There will be a PdWeekend October 4-6 in San Diego instigated by Miller and Friends (as ever).
It's a happy circumstance that I don't need to explain to Pd-list what a *PdWeekend* as if as if I could. Rather you should simply ask someone who's participated in a PdW with us all.
The usual suspects are percolating the kettle as an ad-hoc steering committee. (It's more like the merrygo round that Hans and friends devised at Madagascar Institute, actually ...)
Our next PdWeekend events will take place in San Diego and Los Angeles October 4 - 6 (Fri-Sun)
Starting of on Friday with a little welcome and "gear tech-handout&munching" session Friday afternoon then ...
. a RaspberryPi(4) *box lunch* ... which will actually be RPi-box-dinner-and-speakers-&-demos
. round-workbenching on Saturday featuring the edgy-leading-edgers of Pd and NB/SuitSup
. Saturday afternoon/evening and Sunday gala events at CrashSpace LA and its neighborhood arts-tech-conspiracies
.Handmade music and beer, of course (and handmade beer, maybe)
This is far to preliminary to be an *announcement* but let it be a provocation for you to float your ideas to the list or elsewhere. It's always great to meet a Pd-land neighbor again anywhere.