Thanks Cyrille and Pierre for replying to me.
@Pierre: I am definitely just a novice in pd, and so some of the explanation you sent me seemed quite hard to follow for me :( I did read the Motormix manual myself and found out, like you said, that it outputs 9 bits of information that only 7 need to actually be used to get the fader information, but I've still no idea how to do that. I came across this MIDIvice external for pd with specific support for Motormix but I'm not able to use the makefile in that set of files to create the external correctly. Also, there is an object written for Max to again deal specifically with the Motormix. Is there any way to get this object to work with pd? (Perhaps along the line of the cyclone library which holds most of Max's objects)
@Cyrille:I will try the print object to see all the other values coming out from moving the Motormix fader. I found that the faders started from number 32 onwards, but I'm not sure which of the ctlin's outlets to connect to the vslider in the patch. I created an object ctlin with argument 32 and then connected the leftmost outlet to the first vslider. With every movement of the Motormix fader, the vslider kept jumping positions but either went back to it's lowest value or just stuck to some other value. It never moved along with the motormix fader. As for getting the motor to move the faders using ctlout, I've not got to that stage yet but hopefully with your advice, I will be able to achieve the movement.
I hope you guys (or anyone else) can help me out some more with this.
Thanks! Rishabh
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 4:38 AM, Cyrille Henry wrote:
message 47 i probably a fader release information. using print better than number you'll see that it's not the only message you are receiving.
fitering all information to have only fader movement is easy : a "ctlin 0" object should output value of the 1st linear fader. "ctlin 1" the 2nd etc
"ctlin 64" ... "ctlin 71" output rotation speed of the rotative fader (they did not output an absolute value)
for the toggle, it's a bit more tricky: you have to use 2 ctlin objects : i used : ctlin 47 ctlin 15 pack f f route 66 sel 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
in order to select press information from 1 raw of toggle. the other raw should be almost similar.
To move the fader thanks to the motor, you have to send 2 ctlout information. using midiout, you can send a message like : "176 0 $1 176 32 0" i.e. sending value to ctlout 0, then sending 0 to ctlout 32.
toggle did not light on, because they can light in different colour, you have to light them up manually. to light up a specific toggle i used "176 12 0 176 44 $1" where $1 value is 2 or 66, for 1st column fader, using 176 12 1 for 2nd column etc. i think 44 can be changed to address other raw, ans the $1 value for the color.
i don't have any motor mix since many many years, so can't help more, but all can be made using simple ctlout. exapt display text on the screen that need sysex messages.
cheers cyrille
Le 18/04/2012 06:05, Rishabh Natarajan a écrit :
Hi folks,
I'm building a virtual mixer in PD and need to be able to switch between sets of 8 channels. I have a Motormix midi controller and it's connected to pd via Mbox2 (MIDI cables going between Motormix and Mbox2, USB going from Mbox2 to Macbook Pro). Using the ctlin object and 3 number boxes, I can see that pd is able to detect the button presses or fader movements, but I am not able to make head or tail of the values that are showing up. Whether I move a fader up or down seems to just jolt the left most output and once the motion is stopped it comes back to the same value. I guess that only detects the motion of the fader. When I connect it to a Vslider object, the slider moves sometimes and sometimes it doesn't. The middle outlet seems to have the number 47 on and when you move a slider, it shows the value for that particular slider, but comes back to 47 when you stop. When I press any button, nothing lights up on the console (though these are all supposed to light up and I'
seen them lit) and now the left most channel shows the value for that button while the 47 just remains.
I need to map this motormix soon, and any help with this will be a godsend.
Thanks, Rishabh
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