Hello, I noticed some problems with templates and related objects. Some examples in the stuff/data-structure didn't work correctly and crashed Pd when I closed them, so I upgraded to 0.34. Now these examples work well, but some patches, like the drawpolygon help-patch doesn't display anything in the "data" window and, when I close it, pd crash with a segfault. Another problem occurs when I move a polygon in edition mode. Sometimes, this polygon dissapears. When I select some empty regions of the window, I can find the blue square rounding the polygon when selected, but it's empty! If needed, I can give more details later. Is this a bug or is it me and my linux machine ?
Another thing, not a bug, but a feature: with the polygon objects, x=0 and y=0 position does not correspond to the upper-left corner of the window. I think that would be more convenient. But that's life !