On 22/04/13 12:00, Jeppi Jeppi wrote:
Hi again, I am looking for a suitable filter or combination of filters such that with a single control the user can morph somehow between very lowpass-lowpass-flat-highpass-very highpass response...
You can use cpole~ czero~ and build your desired transfer function - attached is a little example (totally unscientific, the response curve is really rough) - the cpole2~ and czero2~ abstractions wrap the vanilla objects to calculate the amplitude/frequency response[1] - the peak is normalized to 1 to avoid ear explosions (but with a 1-block delay due to the snapshot~ -> sig~ stuff, maybe this could be latched with fexpr~ to avoid glitches).
[1] https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/filters/Graphical_Amplitude_Response.html
What pd filters would you find suitable for that?