Hi again,
Well, I did a raid on the PD source code and extracted the tabread4~ code. I added some start/end checking and managed to remove the clicking sound. I have created an external (Windows for now, until I get to work on monday and make the X port and some documentation aswell.... well, it works just like tabread4~). It is called lptabread4~ and can be downloaded at: http://www.vrmedialab.dk/~sb/pd
I tested the CPU usage (with 48 lptabread4~s and a phasor~at one time). It uses just about the same as normal tabread4~. Sometimes a bit less sometimes a bit more (around 1%, so who cares?). I have removed some of the original code that seemed to be handling the start and end situations. I think this is somewhat redundant now, but if anybody feels otherwise please drop me a note.
I hope this is usefull to somebody and comments are welcome :-)
Also if someone can think of a more clever name I am all ears!
Take care