Hey there,
I am having a problem compiling the vstserver in order to use the k_vst
external. I am running the latest Demudi system (1.2.1), and I have
installed the version of Wine posted specifically for use with vstserver.
Unfortunately I am quite new to this and need some help interpreting the
error message I am getting (which I have pasted below). Any help would be
much appreciated:
demudi:/usr/src/vstserver-0.3.1# make
echo "
cd servant/win;
/usr/local/bin/winemaker --lower-none --nolower-include --nosource-fix
--nobanner --nobackup -I../../include -I/usr/local/include/wine/windows
-L../.. -lvstservant -L/usr/local/lib -L/site/lib .;
./configure --with-wine=/usr/local
" >makevstserver.sh
sh makevstserver.sh
Scanning the source directories...
Generating project files...
sh: line 1: autoconf: command not found
rm makevstserver.sh
echo "cd servant/win;make" >makevstserver.sh
touch servant/win/dummy.c
sh makevstserver.sh
make[1]: Entering directory /usr/src/vstserver-0.3.1/servant/win' make[1]: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop. make[1]: Leaving directory
make: *** [servant/win/win.exe.so] Error 2