Hallo, B. Bogart hat gesagt: // B. Bogart wrote:
So I had the great idea of using matrix rotation to rotate the control points on various axes to distort the cube. In order to get this to work I need to solve two problems:
A. I need to be able to do matrix-rotation fast and efficiently, and I'd rather not need an external to do it!
I'm not sure that I understand what exactly you want to do, but to me it sounds as if this would be a simple task for zexy's matrix/mtx objects. Matrix rotation then simply is a multiplication of two matrices using [mtx_mult] rsp. [mtx_*] The only real problem then would be point B:
B. I need to query the current position of each point before I can rotate it.
namely building the matrices from the 3D data, but the needed data probably already is available somewhere.
Of course zexy is an external library, but I suppose it's installed more often than [py].
Frank Barknecht _ ______footils.org__
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