i had a great deal of problems with a new ubuntu install and pidip. I found that no matter what the films i were using were all "green" usually meaning a bad codec and finally rolled back a bit. I also tested sahabuntu with success.
---- marc@anorg.net wrote:
hi list
after reinstalling ubuntu feisty own my computer i made a reinstall
from pidip from source. i need it from source as slightly changed
ctrack to fit my needs.i can compile pidip but when i start pd with the pidip library i get
the following error:PDP: pure data packet version 0.12.5-test-7 ./pidip.pd_linux: ./pidip.pd_linux: undefined symbol: quicktime_close pidip: can't load library
configure give me: checking for lqt_decode_video in -lquicktime... yes qt version minor : 7
this is the first time since months that i run into compilation
problem with pidip, i do not really understand why as configure runs
through every check smoothly. i use libquicktime from ubuntu
repository, i even compiled it from source myself, no change.any ideas???
every hint is welcome.
all the best marc
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-- Patrick Pagano Sound and Light Technologist School of Theatre and Dance University of Florida