hello kim
On Tue, 2007-01-30 at 12:07 +0000, Kim Taylor wrote:
That is the best way? Hm, I'm surprised!
yes, it is. what did you expect? of course, when working with recursion, there has to be a result already before computing the next iteration. that is not a matter of pd, but of pure logic.
Ok, I'll get to work then- It means the layer with the system topology needs to have its sampling block forced to 1. Mightn't this affect performance? especially for a large program?
yes, it does. either you set the block-size to 1 or you could use [fexpr~ ] or any other object that allows recursion ([rpole~], [rzero~], [biquad~] and the like), which might not do exactly, what you want. so [block~ 1] might still be the best choice.
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