On 22.11.21 15:34, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
Em seg., 22 de nov. de 2021 às 11:14, ub <ub@xdv.org mailto:ub@xdv.org> escreveu:
a manual living on the www would be internet-searchengine-findable!
Pd's actual manual actually already lives on the internet: http://msp.ucsd.edu/Pd_documentation/index.htm http://msp.ucsd.edu/Pd_documentation/index.htm
but it does not usually come up in search results, even for quite specific terms like "puredata osc" or "puredata phasor", where as flossmanuals quite consistently do. that might shift of course if they were taken offline.
there seems to be a problem with those results, by the way, because they point to write.flossmanuals.net and produce a redirect to themselves, causing an error in the browser "The page isn’t redirecting properly". that might be temporary.
my point is, that, especially for beginners, search engines are one main gateway to information, so it makes sense to consider that.