hi, I'm working on a csv file that will be the basis for the pure documentation wiki. it should contain aall pd objects, a description, library name, tags, maybe some other useful information. but there are still many objects missing. We will script the content of the object list into wiki pages. It is not necessary to do all at once, but it would be nice to start the wiki with as much as possible. I would be glad, if anybody wants to help me on that. any list, that contains the name of the object, a description and category is helpful! have a look at the current csv file at http://www.parasitaere-kapazitaeten.net/Pd/pdobjects (structure might still change a little) also, if you are interested in translating objects, then the csv might be easier to work with. If someone has suggestions how to groupwork on the file (svn?) feel free to do so. so far I got already ~1800 objects including: puredata core iemlib gem cyclone maxlib markex pdp pidip zexy xsample pdmtl abstractions vasp creb.
and here is the to do list:
bsaylor cxc deprecated (?) ekext ext13 flatspace flib ggee hardware hcs iem_ambi iem_bin_ambi jmmmp keyboardkeys la-kitchen list-abs mapping memento mjlib motex mrpeach nqpoly~ nqpoly4 nusmuk oscx pan pddp pdogg pixelTANGO pmpd rradical rtc sigpack smlib . toxy/tot unauthorized and maybe other objects that I am missing?