On Wed Aug 30, 2006 at 03:24:21PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
Javier GarcĂa wrote:
Hi! where can i find a list with all possible objects and messages that come originally with puredata?
to get a list of objects, just right-click into an empty canvas (or rather: right click anywhere but on an object in a canvas) and select "help"; this should give you a text file with all pd-objects.
note to miller: this is broken at least in pd-0.40-0test05 (the doc/5.reference/0.INTRO.txt is missing)
there are no messages that come with pd (or: any message is possible)
but the list of messages that an object will respond to, are in the DesireData class-browser, same as the list of all possible objects. i'm not sure it differentiates via built-in objects, and externals, via color-coding or subcategories or anything...
mfg.adr IOhannes
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