oops, sorry, forget this, it was loading an old version of readanysf~ in the wrong location
ydegoyon @gmail.com wrote:
a funny little detail, which is more a bug report :
when i install pd-readanysf package on my ubuntu 22 64 bits with : apt-get install pd-readanysf
i get :
/usr/local/pd/externs/readanysf~.pd_linux:/usr/local/pd/externs/readanysf~.pd_linux: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
haha, wt heck ?
ydegoyon @gmail.com wrote:
finally, to answer to the initial question, and if you want a pure pd solution here, the answer is :
turn your streams to ogg and use oggamp~, because mp3amp~ is definitely dead.
suerte, chevil@giss.tv